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🔐 Authentication

The library seamlessly manages sessions, initiating or updating them whenever the userEmail or userUID changes. This process ensures users are automatically signed in or out, enhancing the application's security and user experience.

For those requiring advanced authentication methods, such as SAML 2.0 or custom functions, our team is ready to assist. Please reach out to support at for tailored support and integration guidance.

🙋‍♂️ userEmail (String) Acts as a unique identifier for user sessions. The library attempts to authenticate the user by pairing the userEmail with the userUID. If the userEmail is found to be null or undefined, the library interprets this as the user being logged out, ensuring secure session management.

🙋‍♂️ userUID (String) Complements userEmail by serving as a secure token or "password" for generating an internal session. To maintain robust security, ensure this string is at least 8 characters long. The combination of userUID and userEmail facilitates a secure and seamless authentication process, leveraging both for efficient session handling.

return (
<HashiApp userEmail="" userUID="your_user_UID" />